22 System Tool Dual Kit

22 System Tool Dual Kit — Ø46 & Ø35mm


€24 EUR
€24 EUR

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Required for Ø46 and Ø35 22 System installations, the 22 System Tool is designed to remove all 22 System Ø46mm & Ø35mm devices from the mounting plates without disturbing the surface finish of the wall. Simply insert and pull; the tool will disengage the locking tabs on the device and allow for removal.



  • 1x - 22 System Tool — Ø46mm
  • 1x - 22 System Tool — Ø35mm

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22 System Tool Dual Kit — Ø46 & Ø35mm
22 System Tool Dual Kit

22 System Tool Dual Kit — Ø46 & Ø35mm

    1 x €24
    €24 EUR
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